Mitch W Apps

See Through Walls 1.0
Mitch W
****READ BEFORE USING OR IT WON"T MAKE ANYSENSE!!!***This is a **TRICK App**. No you can't actually see through wallswith it. I know I'll probably get people complaining about thisanyway, but if you see anyone like that in the comment who you knowin real life, they would make a great person to use this trick appon.You can make it seem like your phone can see through walls. Ittakes just a quick moment or two of setup before you bring anyoneelse in though.INSTRUCTIONS-1-BEFORE you show this to anyone else, make sure you're alone onthe other side of the wall you want to "see" through." Hit thePreconfigure 1 button. It will activate the camera on your phone.Hold the camera as close to the wall as you can, but looking out onthe room. Make sure there are no people in the shot and then takeit, holding the camera level. Take note of exactly where you tookthe shot.2-Go find a friend and tell them you want to show them somethingcool on your phone. Go around to the other side of the wall fromwhere you took the shot in Step 1. Try to match it up with whereyou took the shot before as best as you can, but it doesn't have tobe perfect. Have them look over your shoulder as you hit the "ScanWall" button. The camera will activate again. Take a picture of thewall as close to where you were on the other side as possible. Makea show of finding the right "spot" for extra points.3- Make sure they can see the wall picture you took, and thenshow them the "See Through Wall" button. Let it sink in for amoment, maybe wait until they say something like "you can't beserious." Then hit the button, or you can even let them do it (butdon't give them your phone and don't let them press thepreconfigure buttons).Presto! The other side of the wall is revealed, making it looklike your phone can see right through it.OPTIONAL- If you expect them to be skeptical and make you do itagain, then you can take a few shots of the other side before youstart the app when you're setting up. Then, use Preconfigure 2 toselect one of those pictures. As long as you don't show them whatyou're doing, you can simply hit the "reset" button and choose anew image with the Preconfigure 2. This will let you do the trick afew times in a row. Make sure you match up the Scan properly eachtime with the point in the room where you took the picture youchose!TIPS-Don't do it more than a few times. If they demand you do it whilethey are in the other room, either use a pic that wouldn't revealthem, or just tell them something like how there's "temporal driftin the quantum scanner" in your phone so it doesn't always show theother side in real time. If people like it enough, I might add morefancy effects and even a way to get a feed from a hidden camera soyou can do it in real time.Just a fun silly little app, my first. Thanks for trying itout.(Featured Image- "Clinical Articles" ( Creative Commons 2.0)